Pro Disk Defragmentation
Windows 8 Support is Here!
Faster web browsing and downloads
Better photo and video editing experience
Maximize streaming media performance
S.M.A.R.T. monitoring of physical drives
Advanced reporting and setting controls
Designed for today's power user
Safe non-defrag SSD optimization
Supported OS:
Windows 7 (Includes both x86 and x64)
Windows Vista (includes both x86 and x64)
Windows XP
Windows XP Home
Windows XP Professional, Media Center, Tablet PC, and Professional x64
Windows Home Server
Windows Home Server v1 (x86)
Windows Home Server 2011 (x64)
Installation Instructions:
1. Unrar setup file
2. Run Program Installer as per requirement (x86 or x64)
3. Use given serial to register application.
4. Done, Enjoy.
Password : No
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